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Watch: President Obama meets with environmental activist Greta Thunberg

President Barack Obama meets with Greta Thunberg the Swedish teenager who is working to raise global awareness on the risks posed by global warming and climate change. rrPlease credit "The Obama Foundation" when posting. The photographs may not be manipula

Need a little inspiration to get you through the day? We have just the thing for you. Yesterday, President Obama spent an afternoon with sixteen-year-old Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg. Check out the note he sent about their conversation below. And then sign up for our email list so you don’t miss special moments like these in the future!

Watch: President Obama Meets with Greta Thunberg

I wanted to tell you about a conversation I had yesterday with Greta Thunberg. Greta’s a teenager from Sweden, but at just 16 years old, she embodies why Michelle and I started the Obama Foundation in the first place.

Last year, Greta started sitting outside of her country’s parliament in Stockholm with a sign reading: “School Strike for Climate.” Today, that humble beginning has transformed into a global movement of millions of young people organized to combat climate change and promote clean energy.

President Obama talks to a young girl with a light skin tone who is wearing a pink shirt and a blue hoodie.

That’s the power of young people — unafraid to believe that change is possible and willing to challenge conventional wisdom, Greta and her generation are making their voices heard, even at a young age. That’s what’s possible when we let young people lead the way.

And that’s an example of the idea behind the Obama Foundation: If we foster the next generation of leaders with the tools, resources, and connections they’ll need down the road, then they’ll handle the rest.

I hope you’ll take a minute to watch what Greta’s message is for the leaders of tomorrow.
