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Mrs. Obama reconnects with girls from AGE Africa

Last fall, Mrs. Obama spent time with an inspiring group of young women in Malawi who are part of the Girls Opportunity Alliance.

Mrs. Obama hugs a student in a classroom from Malawi as part of her visit to the AGE Africa program. She is wearing a long dress and is standing in a classroom with green walls and chairs that is filled with students. The other girls sit in a circle in their uniforms as they smile and engage with each other.

Late in 2023, Mrs. Obama met with young women from AGE Africa, an organization that provides girls with scholarships, mentorship, and afterschool programming. As Mrs. Obama said, "I saw so much of myself in these bright young women, and I was just so moved by their determination and resilience."

She recently had the chance to catch up with girls from the organization virtually before their graduation from secondary school to celebrate this milestone and to hear about their goals for the future. Many girls in their communities don’t have the opportunity to finish school, so these young women shared how important it is to them to use their education to help to lift up other girls. 

Take a look at some highlights from their conversation:

Michelle Obama reunites with girls from Malawi

AGE Africa is one of the organizations we support through the Girls Opportunity Alliance, and we hope you’ll learn more about our work to empower adolescent girls around the world through education.


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