Peter Adams

Senior Vice President of Research and Design of the News Literacy Project
Peter Adams became the News Literacy Project’s senior vice president of research and design after several years as the organization’s head of education. He began his career as a classroom teacher in the New York City schools through Teach For America. He has also taught in the Chicago public schools, at Roosevelt University, and at Chicago City Colleges’ Wilbur Wright campus. In addition, he has worked with the NYC Teaching Fellows program, with After School Matters, and as an independent education consultant.
Since joining NLP in 2009, he has coordinated classroom and after-school programs, served as Chicago program manager, worked on organizational strategy and developed NLP’s digital program. He has also provided news literacy training and workshops to educators and others throughout the area. He was promoted to his current position in January 2014 and oversees NLP’s education team, which develops resources and training for teachers. He and the other team members are based in Chicago.
Peter is a graduate of Indiana University, where he majored in English and African American studies and co-founded an independent monthly student newspaper, and has a master’s degree in the humanities from the University of Chicago.